

Never in my Wildest Dreams – Standup Comedy

Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I’d be working on a standup comedy routine to perform LIVE on stage for the first time in my life. That is what I currently find myself doing. I’m three classes in on a five class standup comedy education that culminates with me “graduating” on-stage in a few weeks. OMG!!! I’m at the part of the course where we are tasked with putting words on paper to start to construct an act. This is the furthest thing from what I would consider my strengths or comfort zone is. It is funny and exhilarating what doing Firsts will do to you. You have to take chances and learn.

I was the subject of a “meet the author” interview for a local business club. My interviewer, a part-time comedian, challenged me. She had asked me if I had ever done or considered standup comedy. I hadn’t and NEVER would have till that moment. Having come off a Leap Year of Firsts it gave me the courage to accept this challenge.

I decided that my “act” will consist of a few firsts that I experienced during 2020. Driving the ACTUAL Speed Limit for a day and acquiring a Medial Marijuana card in order to assist my 86 year old, old-school four foot something Italian Mother partake in, to quote her, “becoming a hippie” to deal with her constant pain. I’m not sure I will be funny, but I can tell you I am having FUN going through the process and the course. My classmates are hysterical! I’m grateful and proud of myself for taking this chance to put myself out there for complete and utter failure – to possibly BOMB in front of a few hundred people! If that happens, so be it. It won’t be the first time I bombed at something and probably will not be the last.