

Why a FIRST?

Toastmasters International Ribbon

I was awarded the pictured “Best Speaker” ribbon shown above after presenting my “Why a First?” speech this week at my Toastmasters group meeting. The evaluations that came back to me after my presentation were very positive. Some of the comments were… “”the message is inspiring” … “great uplifting and encouraging words”… and “very thought provoking – great job!” It was the first time I had given this speech and with such encouragement, I thought I’d share. Following are the words from the speech I presented…

The Post pandemic the world seems to have gotten more anxious, stuck, and depressed?  Have you felt this way?  Do you feel this way?  Are you stuck?

Pre-pandemic I found myself in a room of over 100 people at an event on December 5, 2019 that changed my life…

LuAnn Cahn, who you may or may not have heard of was the keynote speaker.  She had written a book “I Dare Me” about doing something NEW every day to get unstuck. LuAnn is a cancer survivor and Emmy winning Journalist who found herself stuck, depressed and afraid of and unwilling to change. Her daughter did not recognize this accomplished woman and dared her mom to do something new to get her unstuck. She not only did one thing new, she tried and did a year full of new things.

I listened as she took the crowd on her journey. I’m sure I’m not unlike most of you.  I found myself at times being stuck, afraid of change or just unhappy and unfulfilled. LuAnn DARED the crowd to commit to doing one first that we had always wanted to do.  I wrote down “Fly a Plane”, something that I gave up on the possibility of doing years ago.  I’m OLD!

That day I committed to myself to do a year of Firsts – to do something every day of 2020 for the first time in my life. I completed that commitment to “fly a plane”, which I documented in my first book – A Leap Year of Firsts. 

It was a journey of transformation that has continued to this day. A journey of Fulfilment – Growth – Appreciation – Gratitude.   I now live my life like I’m dying!

Tonight, I would like to briefly take you on a similar journey. I am going to ask you what LuAnn asked me on December 5th 2019 – what is ONE thing you have always wanted to do for the first time in your life that you will commit to doing? Please write one down.

I handed out cards and pens and went around the room of ten members and had them share their commitment.

A lot of speakers may give you 3 or 5 steps or things to do. I’m going to give you ONE thing. ONE actionable step – look for and DO A FIRST!  You do not have to one every day for a year like I did.  Maybe you will? Maybe you do one a week?  One a month? Or, do as I now continue to do.  I look for opportunities to do a “First” as they present themselves and say YES to them. Life is short – So you might as well live it. It transformed my life – maybe it will for you too?”