

Sharing a little spirit of the Holidays…

I just received the note that is pictured above from someone that I met for the first-time last week. She was not of my age, gender, skin color, or religion. We shared a moment in time at a meeting that we happened to attend together. It was my first meeting as a new member of this organization. I was the rookie; she was a veteran of the group. By happenstance we sat next to each other that morning. The meeting facilitated us sharing our “stories.” I shared my Leap Year of Firsts and signed a copy of the book of the same title, that I had authored, upon request. We exchanged cards and a brief hug after the meeting was done and went on our way and off into our day.

Less than a week later I received the typed message pictured above within a Thank You card that had been addressed to me. WOW!!! A number of emotions hit me, including disbelief. Disbelief that I could have that type of effect on someone. Someone I did not know. I felt honored, humbled, and grateful. I felt the love! The kind words she had written made me feel as she had expressed to me. Her kind word was… “the “bullseye” of my day, week, month and without exaggeration… year!” The time she took to write and send this to me meant the world to me. It filled me up with joy. It warmed my heart. It made me smile. It put full in my tank. It inspired me to write this blog.

Have you ever taken the time to communicate and EXPRESS your true heartfelt feelings to someone? Have you ever taken the time to be “real” to a complete stranger who was different from you in sharing your story? Have you ever listened with a compassionate ear to someone else’s story? A stranger’s story. Will you?

Handle people with care. You never know the impact you may have on someone. Isn’t this kindness the true spirit of the holidays? I thought I’d share and spread the cheer. Happy Holidays!!!