

Little acts of kindness are NEVER little.  EVER!

I created the pictured challenge coin that I plan on carrying with me every day this year. I plan on doing something every day, as I did in my Leap Year of Firsts in 2020, This year it will not be a first every day, although I continue to look for firsts to do. The thing that I am looking to do EVERY DAY this year is to do one Act of Kindness for someone. I will not be documenting these in a daily journal with the intent of writing a book A Year of Kindness. Nope. I’m just going to do this incognito. The coin is there to help remind me. And I have not completely thought this out, but I may hand out these coins from time to time.

If a recipient of my Act of Kindness recognizes my act and shows apperception of the act, I will ask them to Pay It Forward by presenting them with this coin. I may make note of the person I’ve passed a coin onto. I’m not sure. Instead of planning this out, as I am apt to do, I will just let this happen and see where it takes me.

The idea started when I was assigned to present the “Positive Thought” for my Toastmasters meeting late last year. This assignment starts the meeting off, in addition to the Pledge of Allegiance. I scoured over numerous sayings, quotes and thoughts to be considered. I settled on a list of 10 Things to Remember from Author, Singer, Speaker (who lived a life with CEREBRAL PALSY) Anna Grace Taylor. I saw a graphic of this list that was posted on social media during the height of the craziness of the pandemic. I saved it. It hit me and inspired me during my “Leap Year of Firsts.” In light of the hate happening on social media, the news I thought the following list of positive thoughts from Ms. Taylor relevant to provide perspective.

10 Things to Remember:

  1. 1. Love is the answer.  Always.
  2. 2. Vulnerability is NOT a weakness.  It’s a strength.
  3. 3. Your body is sacred.  Cherish it.
  4. 4. Gratitude shifts everything.  Be thankful.
  5. 5. Forgiveness sets you free.  It really does.
  6. 6. You cannot change others.  Only yourself.
  7. 7. Little acts of kindness are never little.  Ever.
  8. 8. Fun is underrated.  Enjoy yourself.
  9. 9. Age is just a number.  It’s never too late.
  10. 10. Life is precious.  Live it now.