

First time going Solar …

We went LIVE with SOLAR this past week on my building in Northeast Philadelphia at Spike’s Trophies Ltd.  YAY!  I posted the image above on my social media. It has been a LONG and winding road to get here.  The planning process for this started a few years back, at the end of my Leap Year of Firsts in 2020. The panels have been on our roof for over a year, and we had already paid for this last year, without the benefit of the savings.  We were waiting on a part for a meter for over 6 months due to supply chain issues.  I even found myself sourcing the meter for the local electric company whose responsibility it was to do so. We needed the meter to be installed to go live.  That meter was obtained and installed last week to allow us to flip the switch to go live.  FINALLY! Perseverance, patience with a goal in mind paid off. We are now GREEN😊and are now generating our own energy – a proud and hard fought FIRST!