

More FIRSTS Continued…

The FIRSTS Continue…

Last Sunday I stood on a stage in Ambler, PA. in a Pink Tutu to deliver my FIRST stand-up comedy routine. I had learned so much, had so much fun and stretched myself as a person in living life in my Leap Year of Firsts in 2020. I wanted to provide my audience with a first. I’m guessing that it was the first time in the lives of my onlookers that they saw an Old, Bald, Overweight, Forgetful, Italian reformed Catholic, quasi-handsome Virgin Stand-up Comic who is deathly afraid of Instagram with good legs in a Pink Tutu on a stage? ðŸ™‚

I had signed up for a five week stand-up comedy course that culminated with my performance live on stage. I had negotiated to be the FIRST of my eight classmates onto the stage. I batted lead off. I did not strike out. I hit a solid single. I may have even stretched it into a double? I got laughs. I survived. My teammates hit me in with many laughs. I wasn’t the best, but wasn’t the worst either. Yes, I was scared to death and out of my comfort zone. But, it was a GREAT experience that I am grateful I did. I learned so much and now have a tremendous appreciation for stand-up. It is A LOT of hard work to develop a bit in order to perform it!

It was stand-up comedy last weekend and it is throwing a potter’s wheel to create a piece of art out of clay this week for the first time in my life. Even though I am not committed to doing a FIRST every day like I did in 2020, I continue to look for opportunities to HAVE MORE FIRSTS going forward. I’m currently working on my first scuba diving certification in addition to a few travel firsts. The Badlands in South Dakota to see Mt. Rushmore in September. A trip to the Galapagos Islands in the footsteps of Charles Darwin to take in the various diverse species and Machu Pichu the ancient Inca empire in Peru. Life is much too short, we have to LIVE IT! What is something you have always wanted to do for the FIRST time in your life???? PLEASE, find the time to do it – NOW!