

A FIRST as a Titan

I attended my FIRST Titan 100 photo shoot interview yesterday after recently being nominated and selected for the 2023 Titan 100 class for Philadelphia. Ok, what is a Titan 100? As described by the awarding organization … “A Titan is a person of exceptional importance and reputation. Albert Einstein was a titan in the world of science. Shakespeare was a titan of literature and Wayne Gretzky was a titan of hockey. The noun titan comes from Greek mythology, in which the Titans were a race of gods. Today, a Titan is someone who is reputable, distinguished and preeminent in a certain field.” Ok, that is definitely NOT me!!!! What am I doing here I ask myself. They go on…

… “​The Titan 100 is a national program that recognizes the top 100 CEO’s and C-level executives in a region. Representing both the private and public sector, these Titans of Industry demonstrate exceptional leadership, vision, passion, and influence in their field...” Ok, we’re getting a little closer. I am passionate about my field or industry – Awards and Recognition. By default, of being in the awards and recognition business, my whole working life of over 50 years, with the same company, from employee to owner – I have gained some influence in my field. I’m what you may call experienced. Others refer to it as being old. The vision and leadership were born out of necessity to survive, especially during the pandemic in my Leap Year of Firsts in 2020. Lead or fail were the choices, and failure was not an option! So here I am. After my nomination, I was encouraged to participate and was selected. I’m humbled. Being in the recognition business, it is nice to be recognized. An honor!

So, as I sat and readied myself for my First Titan 100 video shoot interview, with a face made for radio – I reflected. If I could be a Titan, ANYONE can be a Titan. All you have to do is find your passion of what you love to do, learn all you can about whatever your passion is, stick with it and work hard on it. Voila – a Titan!