

Who do you want to be when you grow up?

Since I published my first book “A Leap Year of Firsts” a few years back I have been taking more time to experience life and numerous firsts. These firsts have led me to a number of envious places and thrilling experiences. When I post these firsts on my social media of traveling to the Galapagos Islands or attending my first Super Bowl, I often hear the comment… “I wish I were you.” I wonder to myself when I hear this. Would they have wanted to be me when I was working 24/7 for months on end to save my building or my business? Would they have wanted to be me when I put my house up for collateral for both my business and my building? Would they have wanted to be me when I could have been homeless and penniless if some things didn’t fortunately go my way with all the hard work? I think I know this answer – they wouldn’t have wanted to be me. Not everyone would want to work that hard or take that much risk.

I can tell you as a somewhat reformed workaholic, I do feel guilty at times in taking and making the time to experience these firsts. I guess I am adding the balance to my life that the hard work has afforded me? I’m relatively old. I’m sixty-four and a half. I have gotten to a place where I can now say …. “When I grow up, I want to be me.” So, I get it when people see what I am currently doing, and they want to be me. Most will never know or care about the long road traveled to get here. I wrote a personal constitution to myself as a teenager of who I wanted to be when I grew up. Looking back at that document, I can proudly say I have become that person. I’ve actually exceeded some of those dreams of so long ago. I could have never imagined.

So, if you find yourself thinking “I wish I was him/her,” maybe take a moment to step back and think – who do YOU want to be? Maybe take the time to commit your wishes to paper. Maybe start doing the things that will make you say to yourself… “when I grow up, I want to be me.” It is NEVER too late to start! Maybe start by doing a first?