

Look for SOLUTIONS, not problems!!

As a business owner who is also president of a national association, in addition to being on a few boards of directors, I run into problems that need solutions. I also hear through the grapevine of the various organizations people complaining about or creating problems. They create drama. I HATE drama. I’d rather hear it as a leader so it can be addressed.  I get disappointed when I do not hear, and people are complaining to others who are not in a position to affect change. They are not on the board or in leadership.  I often refer to my favorite line in my favorite movie Saving Private Ryan when trying to lead…There’s a chain of command.  Gripes go up, not down.  Always up.  You gripe to me.”

I’m sure every leader would not want their staff or members to gripe down to other staff members causing dissension, without the opportunity to address the issue. Better yet, instead of complaining about what should be done it would be better to propose a possible solution or a better way. Sometimes this will provide a solution or provide an opportunity for the leadership why something is being done the way it is being done. There may be reasons behind why something is being done. There may be history that some are not aware of that would provide context and an understanding to diffuse the discontent. This has happened recently. It is NOT a first for me.

So, if you are part of an organization and you have an issue, instead of complaining to others on your level or below you, creating drama and possibly becoming a cancer in an organization, take a moment. Stop and think. What is a possible solution. If you have an idea for one, bring it up the chain of command. As Captain Miller said in Saving Private Ryan… “Gripes go up, not down. Always up...” Problems are easy to complain about. Solutions sometimes are not as easy. Be part of the solution and not the problem.