

Limit your Pity Party!


“Limit your Pity Party”. Well, I threw a hell of a Pity Party March 20th, 2020 @ 2:30 p.m. prior to having to lay off my entire staff of 45 employees as a “non-essential business” for the first time in my life. BUT, those negative emotions of pity, depression, etc… don’t help you with solutions or move you forward.. I write about in my first book “A Leap Year of Firsts.” Yes, allow yourself to grieve, just limit it and start asking yourself good questions of yourself and of trusted others to help you limit the “party.”

In doing “firsts” for a whole year it provided a different perspective on the biggest challenge of my life, I was able to bounce back in very, very big ways right after we had to let every single one of our employees go during the pandemic. Yep, he had to let every single employee go, through many tears!

The doors that opened for me and my entire staff after the worst day of our lives is just extraordinary. An opportunity presented itself just an hour later that allowed us to hire them all back just two hours later the same day!

My Leap Year of Firsts’ story is proof that constantly trying new things, looking at life from a different perspective, and taking action to thrive instead of living in a pity party are key to solutions, success and living.

Last weekend a friend was in need of a fresh perspective on a few things that she was challenged with. So she called a few friends and did a first – motorcycle riding through a fun little town. She said it was tremendous! She had limited her pity party of the challenges that were confronting her in her life and jumped on the bike. She posted this experience on LinkedIn and gave credit to “doing a first” in assisting her limiting her negative party she had been throwing for herself.

Go try something for the first time and limit your pity party!