

A Birthday Wish – Do a “first” you have always wanted to do!

Today is my Birthday! I’m 64 years young!! On your birthday you are supposed to think of a wish before blowing out the candles on the cake. As I continue to look for firsts to do on my quest to live life like I am dying I have a birthday wish for all of you. I wish that you find and do a “first” that you have always wanted to do and DO IT! Life is too short – LIVE IT!

Last Saturday I attended a Judaism service at a synagogue for the first time in my life. I was at Temple Beth Sholom in Cherry Hill, NJ. For two hours I was engrossed in observing and learning as I read along in the Torah with the Rabbi. I listened to the female Cantor sing in Hebrew. My host had informed the Rabbi of why I was there, as a first. She shared that I had written a book about them. Intrigued, he asked me if I would address the congregation and share how I had found my voice in living my firsts. The theme of the sermon was on “finding your voice.” WOW. I was humbled by this unexpected recognition. What a special moment!

Also this past week an acquaintance of mine posted that she can assist people accomplish a TED Talk. I am a TED Talk fan, but never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I was capable of doing one. In living my Leap Year of Firsts and publishing a book on them gave me the confidence to reach out to her about the possibility. I am now engaged in working on a 2 minute pitch to be given an opportunity to present a TED Talk. I wish that you find and do a “first” that you have always wanted to do, like giving a TED Talk or attending a religious service of a different faith, and DO IT! Life is too short – LIVE IT!